Monday 27 June 2011

Animal Sketches

Okay, So here are the 12 animal sketches I did. We had to draw 12 animals (6 assigned, 6 of our choice) then put them onto a water painting background that multiple people created.

Here are my 6 Finished Pictures!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Megalodon Tooth

Okay folks. Here is my attempt of creating a Megalodon Shark Tooth out of clay. Here is the progress of the tooth!

1. Here is me planning out what I am going to do for the support, and the shape of the tooth.

2. Here are the materials I used to create the Tooth!

3. The clothes hanger and tin foil body, ready to be layered in Sculpty.

4. The first Thin layer of sculpty on top of the tin foil and clothes hanger structure, so now I can start shaping and adding detail.

5. Second layer of scuplty on top of the thinner layer. Now ready for the thicker layer so i can begin shaping.

6. Third layer with a little detail on it straight out of the oven, now to begin putting final Thickest layer on it so i can add all the necessary detail.

7. Now ready to go in the oven and bake for about 10 minutes so I can paint it.

8. Almost Done, Did 3 BLACK base coats, then 2 CLEAR coats, then 1 GREY coat, Then 1 Brown coat. Then just had to sand it down a bit and make it a little more realistic.

9. And finally the ROM style guide mock up, with the required information and created colour pallets.





Principles Project

(The STRUCTURE Principle)
The Structure Principle should be easy to use and find tools and commands you want to use. It should be laid out with good organization, keeping everything efficient.

[Tech 1- Align Fields Effectively, Tech 2- Group Things Effectively, Tech 3-  Your Design should be Intuitable]
- I chose to use this image because it shows the easy use and clear layout of tools in a proper arrangement.

(The Simplicity Principle)
The Simplicity Principle should should make tasks that you do over, and over again easy by using less clicks of the mouse or having the option for short cuts.

[Tech 1- Understand the UI Widgets, Tech 2- Navigation within Screen is Important, Tech 3- Consistency]
- I used this image because it shows the short cuts beside each command, and how everything you are looking for is all under the appropriate category.

(The Visibility Principle)
Everything should be simple and not over done that the user gets distracted from tasks, and keep everything in the right order and not scattered everywhere.

[Tech 1- Use Colour Appropriately, Tech 2- Navigation Between Major User Interface Items, Tech 3- Word your messages and labels Effectively] 
- I picked this image because it shows you the easy navigation between pages, and darkens the background so you do not get distracted from what you are doing.

(The Feedback Principle)
Tells the user of the actions he/she is doing, saving, loading, errors, rendering, etc.

[Tech 1- Explain the Rules, Tech 2- Set Standards, Tech 3- Word your message labels effectively] 
- I decided to use this screen shot as an example because it shows the feedback of what the computer is doing. In this case it is telling me that the video is rendering and the approximate data that it has processed. 

(The Tolerance Principle)
The Tolerance Principle should let you undo mistakes you may have made or give you visual warnings on things the user is doing, wether it being the wrong type of file format or permanently deleting a file.

{Tech 1- Explain the Rules, Tech 2- Look at other Applications with a grain of Salt, Tech 3- Expect the users to make mistakes]
- I chose to use this image because the computer shows you that there is something missing and I have to locate it to continue with what I was doing.

(The Reuse Principle)
Should allow the user to work efficiently, like copy and pasting over and over again. Also using external buttons and Hardware for the same reasoning. Example, Volume Buttons, Ipod Cords, External Hard Drives, etc. 

[Tech 1- Group things Effectively, Tech 2- Justify Data Appropriately, Tech 3- Navigation within the screen is important]
- I used this image because it shows you the cut, copy, paste commands all under the edit tab, as well as the short cuts labelled beside them.

Character Illustration

For this assignment we had to find a sketch from an artist and create a Vector Image out of it using Adobe Illustrator.

Here is the original sketch of the image i chose to use.

Here are a few screen shots of Progress.

  • Creating a shape on a different layer for the colour fill

  • All the little nodes and anchor points of the colour shape.

  • The Shadowing of the flames

  •  Here is me almost done, just had to make the colour for the left arm and gun on a separate layer


Approximate Time- 6 Hours 45 Minutes

Monday 20 June 2011

Artist Research Assignment

Okay, so for my Sketching for Communications class we had an artist to research given to us, then we had to had to create a piece of art inspired by the artist we were given. I got James Patterson (AKA Presstube). I looked around and saw a lot of this artists work and it inspired me to make a time lapse just as he did in one of his own videos. Here is my inspirational piece.

Ian Reid

Wednesday 15 June 2011

iPhone 4 Review by Ian Reid

 720p High Definition

 Pixels and Colours of the Liquid Crystal Touch Screen

Ports and Size of the iPhone 4

Okay, Well during this assignment I learned a lot actually! The first thing that I learned is that, The Retina Display, I did not know that such a little device is full HD, I have never payed to much attention to that kind of stuff but this project made me interested in how HandHeld devices work. Also I learned that the way technology is progressing and how companies already have devices ready for the market years in advance before they release them so they can continue to sell them 1 by 1 and profit the most money possible. I also learned a little more about software and how to fix little problems such as, keeping the device consistent in speed when going back and forth between applications, and how the device automatically saves everything you are currently doing onto a memory card so you can go back to exactly where you left off. Overall I enjoyed researching all about software and hardware, I found it alot more interesting then I thought I ever would.

Ian Reid

(Photos from-

Monday 13 June 2011

Shape Skecthes

Here are 5 drawings of 4 different shapes my professor gave use to draw. They has to be below the knee in order to count!