Wednesday 15 June 2011

iPhone 4 Review by Ian Reid

 720p High Definition

 Pixels and Colours of the Liquid Crystal Touch Screen

Ports and Size of the iPhone 4

Okay, Well during this assignment I learned a lot actually! The first thing that I learned is that, The Retina Display, I did not know that such a little device is full HD, I have never payed to much attention to that kind of stuff but this project made me interested in how HandHeld devices work. Also I learned that the way technology is progressing and how companies already have devices ready for the market years in advance before they release them so they can continue to sell them 1 by 1 and profit the most money possible. I also learned a little more about software and how to fix little problems such as, keeping the device consistent in speed when going back and forth between applications, and how the device automatically saves everything you are currently doing onto a memory card so you can go back to exactly where you left off. Overall I enjoyed researching all about software and hardware, I found it alot more interesting then I thought I ever would.

Ian Reid

(Photos from-

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